The Redbone Coonhound – Profile – Medical – Information you can use
The Redbone Coonhound
Made In The USA
Dog breed info
Redbone Coonhound
Redbone Hound
Weight: 45 — 65 lbs
Height: 21” — 27”
AKC Foundation Stock Service
Lifespan: 12—14 yrs
Group Hound
Origin: United States
- Dog Health, Dog Illness, Medical Problems
Dog Breed Info—The Redbone Coonhound
Breed Overview
Origin: 1800’s. Original function: Raccoon hunting. Today: Raccoon hunting, night hunts, companion dog. Colors: Red. (Some may have white paws and chest)
Irish immigrants brought red foxhounds to America in the late 1700’s. These dogs possibly made up the basis of the breed. A hunter, George Birdsong from Georgia, USA, started breeding with red foxhounds he had obtained in the 1840’s . Coon hunters became interested in the breed. The existing dogs were crossed with later imports like the fast Red Irish Foxhound. These dogs were red but had a black “saddle” on their backs. The “saddle” was bred out of the line on purpose and the line became known as the “Redbone Coonhound”. either due to the overall color, or after Peter Redbone, a Tennessee promoter of the breed. The Redbone is an excellent swimmer and his sense of smell (scent) is so keen he can track prey through water. The AKC registered the breed in 2001 in the miscellaneous class. The dog is now a favorite for many serious hunters that want an excellent and versatile dog capable of treeing animals.
As with all scent hounds, the Redbone “bays” instead of barking.
The Redbone Hound is fairly easy to train, especially for scent tracking and he must learn some obedience to live with a family of humans.. This breed wants very much to please. Use clicker training and positive reinforcement Use the Cesar Millan method too, as that is another excellent way of training dogs in obedience. The Redbone bores easily. Keep training to short, quick, lively, “fun” sessions.
Crate Training
Want to crate train your Redbone puppy? It’s easy and if you’re interested, take a look and you’ll see what to do. Crate training your puppy will save many headaches and problems.
Potty Training
The Redbone Coonhound puppy isn’t too hard to house train, potty train, toilet train, housebreak or whatever you want to call it. They learn pretty fast. If you have a puppy, decide if you want to crate or paper potty train it. For the best results, we have a page at Crate vs Paper Potty Training which will help you decide and from there you can get all the information you need to get the job done. Always praise the pup profusely when she goes potty in the RIGHT PLACE so she knows she has done a good thing.
If you have an older dog, take the dog outside every two hours until she gets the idea which door leads to her potty area. Older dogs catch on to the potty or housebreaking pretty fast once they are shown what to do.
The Redbone is a scenthound, a hunter, by breeding and instinct. This dog is known for his ability to tree his quarry with ease and is therefore preferred by some of the more serious hunters. They excel over most other coonhounds at chasing a scent and treeing game. The Redbone can also tree bobcats and bear. Outdoors, they are very active and ready to run, chase and follow a scent.
They are highly agile dogs and can run for long stretches over rough terrain.
They are mild-mannered, even-tempered dogs and the Redbone Coonhound does well with children and other people. It’s wise to get your Redbone young and raise him WITH the family, kids and other animals The exception is cats, which they regard as raccoon and that doesn’t work. The Redbone is usually an easy-going, gentle dog and not much bothers them. They crave to be with their people / family but they don’t overdo it. These dogs are easily trained and eager to please but can become bored. Indoors, they are quiet, calm and pleasant. The Redbone is quite playful, very affectionate and loves most other dogs. Just remember, their prime passion is hunting so they must be kept on leash when out walking or jogging..
Redbone’s tend to drool. Some more than others may do this.
If you happen to get a Redbone with a separation anxiety problem, that can be dealt with by investing a few hours of work on your part and some “tough love.”
Friendly Toward Other Dogs?
Is generally good with other dogs, allowing he has hunted in “packs” of other dogs.. Seeks companionship with many dogs, especially of his kind.
Friendly Toward Other Pets”
Okay with other dogs especially if raised with them
Cats are a problem. Cats, rabbits and small animals such as ferrets and gerbils look too much like the small game the Redbone hunts. It is probably best if they don’t occupy the same house.
Friendly Toward Strangers?
Generally accepts strangers and is good with them.
Quite playful. Loves to jog, play fetch and roll in the grass with the kids.
Very affectionate when not busy hunting.
Good with children?
Very good with children. The Redbone Coonhound is tolerant, playful and affectionate. He’s one of the better choices for families with kids, except that these dogs are hard to find.
Good with Seniors over 65?
Yes, good choice for ACTIVE seniors. The Redbone Coonhound is an affectionate, playful, loyal, easy-to-care-for breed and as long as the senior can walk several times a day (or better, is into jogging for health) and can toss a ball around, this should be a good match. Only drawback is this is not much of a watchdog or fierce guardian.
Living environment?
Apartment, condo, flat, farm or ranch all good. The Redbone needs to be kept in a fenced area as he loves to hunt and will run into traffic or down the road after a good scent. He must be kept on leash at all times.
If in an apartment, the dog MUST get out for exercise, either walking or jogging several times a day. He quiet in the apartment but must be exercised!
Energy level
Moderately high energy. Can run and chase animals for hours and this dog can be destructive if he doesn’t get his daily dose of exercise. Rate energy about 6 bars out of 10.
One or two good walks daily with some play time are needed, always on leash or in a closed area.
The Redbone is a good swimmer and loves the water. It’s a terrific form of exercise.
Not really a watchdog. The Glen doesn’t bark much, but will try to protect his family and the children.
No, not a serious guardian. He will bark if threatened.
Sheds some, very little.
Brush regularly with a stiff bristle brush. Bathe only as necessary.
Redbone Coonhound Breeders
Looking for Redbone Coonhound puppies? Be SURE to find reputable breeders that really know what they are doing. Be sure the puppy has been well socialized and started in obedience training by the breeder.
Redbone Coonhound puppies for sale.
Redbone Coonhound Rescue
If you are seriously considering the adoption of an older dog and are looking for a Redbone Coonhound Rescue group in your area, here is a link that might help:
Petfinder – Redbone Coonhound Rescue As I write this, Petfinder is showing only 309 dogs available to adopt in the USA. That might be enough, but in case you want more selection, go online and search for Redbone Coonhound Rescue or Clubs or kennels. If you do find one to adopt, try to locate any dog health records and save for possible future reference.
This is basically a healthy breed. These are the dog illness and medical problems this breed is prone to that have been listed by various veterinarians at different times over the past decade or so and some pertain to puppies and very young dogs that a breeder would deal with.
Other than a remote possibility of hip dysplasia, obesity and eye problems, this seems to be a healthy breed. Since this is not a highly popular breed, it is likely some illnesses are under reported which means there are other problems but they have not been recorded.
Hip dysplasia CHD- Hind end limping, hind/back leg acts lame, can’t move, weak legs. Wear and time causes the femur to fit poorly into the pelvic socket with improper rotation causing the Redbone Coonhound great pain, weakness and difficulty walking. You may notice the dog “hopping”” like a rabbit when running plus hesitating to climb stairs, all due to pain in the hind quarters. The problem actually starts as a very young puppy with an abnormal formation of the hip joint and grows progressively. A vet can locate this with a diagnostics test.
Other health problems could occur with your Redbone Coonhound. If you notice any problems with your dog, take it to the vet immediately. This website is for general information only and is not intended to, in any way, be a medical guide.
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