The Schnoodle – Schnoodles – Info Profile – Health – Temperament
Designer Dogs
Designer Dogs — Schnoodles
What Is This?
If you breed a purebred Schnauzer with a purebred Poodle, you have a Schnoodle. The offspring are known as “hybrid” or “designer” dogs, not mixed breeds.
This is a hypoallergenic dog with almost no shedding and low dander. It is a protection dog and a “best family buddy.”
There are no standards for hybrids so it might be wise to look closely at the two parents as their traits will show up in the offspring.
It has been stated that Schnoodles are loyal, fun-loving, gentle, loving dogs that are protective, active and affectionate.
This hybrid looks a bit like the Schnauzer. The muzzle is squared off as is the jaw, ears are floppy and similar to the Poodle but it has a curled tail, unlike either parent.
Since both parents come in three sizes, small, medium and large, the offspring can vary widely. The MINIATURE size is around 12 inches at the shoulder (31cm) and weighs roughly 10 – 15 pounds (4.5 kg) and under.
The STANDARD version will be around 15 inches to the shoulder (38 cm) (or more) in height and weight 13 to 20 pounds (5.9 to 9 kg) (or more)
Solid black, white, gray, silver. Some have a white mask.
Expected life span is to 12 to 16 years for the smaller versions if well fed and cared for. Larger Schnoodles — 10 to 12 years average. All depends on the parents and health considerations.
Generally, these crossbreeds, especially the F1 mix, ((first generation)tend to live longer and healthier. The figures above are really “guestimates.”
Okay for older, well mannered, responsible children. As with any dog, supervision of needed at all times around children.
Other Pets And Dogs
The miniature version is tolerant of most other pets and dogs, but may go after small rodent like gerbils and hamsters. Large dogs from the Giant Schnauzer and Standard Poodle parents may be hesitant around other dogs as they could be viewed as threats to the owner.
Exercise Needs
Needs are moderate. One or two good walks daily, a game of fetch (or other) and some play time in the house will do it. Many Schnoodles love to swim, as they take that from the Poodle.
Schnauzers bark but usually from boredom or protection. The more bonded you are with the dog, the more it will bark as it thinks it’s protecting you. Males tend to bark more than females.
You can’t leave this dog in the yard alone for too long or it will bark. This dog needs a LOT of personal “human” attention and time. They are family companion dogs and get lonely.
NOTE: I have a female Schnauzer that NEVER barks except if we leave her in the yard and go indoors. She’ll also bark if she sees another dog and wants to play. Otherwise, we can leave her 5 hours or more in the house with toys (or strangers can come in) to repair something and she remains silent.
Very trainable.. Smart. Eager to learn. The Schnoodle can learn agility and tricks as well as obedience and commands.
Clicker Training works well. Here’s some info: Clicker Training.
Potty Training
Want to potty train your dog? There are several ways. Crate vs Paper Potty Training which will help you decide and from there you can get all the information you need. Always praise the pup profusely when she goes potty in the RIGHT PLACE so she knows she has done a good thing.
If you have an older dog, take the dog outside every two hours until she gets the idea which door leads to her potty area. Older dogs catch on to the potty or housebreaking pretty fast once they are shown what and where a few times.
Schnoodles are generally mild, even-tempered, loyal and protective dogs. They are “happy” with life and show it in play and affection. These dogs need heavy socialization starting at 4 or 5 weeks. The Schnauzer tends to dominate and must be kept in a submissive frame by an alpha leadership family. Giant Schnauzers are used for police work and serious guarding, yet the offspring of these two are usually quieter and more relaxed in temperament than the smaller version of Schnoodles.
All sizes of Schnoodle are used in therapy work in some locations.
They make good security dogs.
They are not especially prone to anxiety, but if you happen to get one with a separation anxiety problem, that can be dealt with by investing a few hours of work on your part and some “tough love.”
A well groomed Schnoodle
Living environment?
Smaller versions do well in apartments. The bigger size dogs can adapt to apartment life but are better off with a fenced, medium size yard
This dog can adjust to most climates but they are indoor dogs and can not live outdoors.I
Shedding & Grooming?
Schnoodles are low shedders, low dander dogs that are ideal for allergy sufferers. Their coat is soft, fuzzy and a little wavy so it is off to the groomer for a scissoring and shaping every 5 to 10 weeks. If your dog has more “Schnauzer” in the genes, the coat may be a little wiry. Either way, the dog will need a bath probably weekly.
What health or illness problems the Schnoodle is prone to depends on the gene pool mix and what percentages the dog is comprised of between the two breeds of parents, as well as the quality of food and long-term care given.