The Australian Labradoodle – Aussie Doodle – Aussie Labradoodle Information
The Australian Labradoodle
Designer Dogs
Designer Dogs — Australian Labradoodle
What Is This?
The Australian Labradoodle, also known as the “Aussiedoodle Dog” is a designer dog that is comprised of a special mixture of purebred breeds. This dog is NOT a hybrid, but rather a “breed.”
Originally, around 1989, some Australians went looking for a hypoallergenic guide dog for the blind because there was a number of visually impaired folks who were allergic to dander.
No two dogs from the same litter will have the exact same temperament and other characteristics so all I can give you are generalities and averages. (Same is true for humans!)
The mix goes even farther. The true Aussie Labradoodle is produced by mating two Aussie Labradoodls to take it up a notch.
Aussie Doodles are low-shedding, hypoallergenic, trainable, water-loving guide dogs for the blind and family companions too.
It comes in any of three sizes, influenced by the Poodle.
Actually, there are two types of Labradoodle. The American version is a completely different dog.. The American version is a hybrid.
(The American version comes from mixed-breed stock and is NOT a breed).
- Miniature size. 15 — 25 pounds or 7 — 12kgg.
- Medium size: 30 — 45 pounds or 13 — 20kg.
- Standard size: 50 — 77 pounds or 23 — 35kg
Lifespan will vary depending on the size you choose. A general guideline is 17 years for the Miniature, 16 for the Medium and 13 — 15 years for the Standard.
Colors vary. Solid chock late, grey, black, cream and red.
Expected life span is 13 to 15 years if well fed and cared for.
Very trainable. Smart. Eager to learn and to please. Show him what you want, follow simple guidelines in this website and he’ll be your perfect companion.
Clicker Training works well. Here’s some info: Clicker Training.
Potty Training
Want to potty train your dog? There are several ways. Crate vs Paper Potty Training which will help you decide and from there you can get all the information you need. Always praise the pup profusely when she goes potty in the RIGHT PLACE so she knows she has done a good thing.
If you have an older dog, take the dog outside every two hours until she gets the idea which door leads to her potty area. Older dogs catch on to the potty or housebreaking pretty fast once they are shown what and where.
This mix of Spaniels, Retrievers and Poodles comprises excellent family companion choices. Their offspring are smart, fun-;loving, affectionate, playful, energetic, lively and want most to be with family and family activities. They are energetic and always glad when you come home. S/he gets along well with children and adults alike and generally other dogs.
The Australian Labradoodle is friendly and known around the world through International clubs and reputation.
This people and pet loving breed is great with children.
He’s an outdoor-loving dog, better suited for a farm than city life but can adapt. The Aussie loves to hunt and retrieve and needs to be allowed things to do to keep from boredom.
Barking is not important to the Australian Labradoodle. He’s pretty quiet.
If you happen to get one with a separation anxiety problem, that can be dealt with by investing a few hours of work on your part and some “tough love.”
Two Australian Labradoodle puppies
Playfulness & Affection
Unknown. Read the profiles for the Labrador Retriever and Poodle parents as an indication.
An indication — both parents are playful, lively and fun to own. The Toy and Miniature sizes are great lap dogs and are quite affectionate.
The Standard Aussiedoodle Dog is a working class pooch who is often trained as a guide dog for the blind. They do show love and affection.
Living Environment
- Miniature — Apartment, flat, Condo, farm. Backyard not necessary.
- Medium — Apartment, flat, condo, farm. Prefers a back yard to play fetch and explore in, but not mandatory.
- Standard — House with a fenced yard is best. Can live in apartments and flats if necessary.
Energy level?
Moderately high energy. A walk or two daily and a game of fetch will suffice. Great jogging buddy and loves to swim.
This guy loves a day at the beach or lake where he can chase sticks and balls, on land and swim and surf in the sea. He has plenty of energy that must be exercised out each day.
Watch/Guard Dog?
- Miniatuyre = Good watchdog. Not a guard dog.
- Medium = Good watchdog. Not a guard dog.
- Standard = Good watch and guard dog. Too friendly to be a guard dog.
Shedding & Grooming
This dog is known for it’s silky, wavy fleece, wool in spirals or hair type coats. The wool and fleece are non-shedding and suitable for allergy sufferers.
The “hair” coats do shed, have an odor and must be brushed every two to three days. The wool and fleece coats need clipping and grooming but are non-shedding.
Labradoodle Literature
Here are 3 good books and a 2010 Wall Calendar for this dog!
What health or illness problems the Australian Labradoodle is prone to depends on the gene pool mix and what percentages the dog is comprised of between the two breeds of parents.
It could be assumed that common problems like hypothyroidism, eye problems, otitis externa, dog bloat (gastric torsion), diabetes and pancreatitis to name a few illnesses found in some of the parents would show up in this dog.
There is nothing specific mentioned in the resource books. There is no standardization..
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