Afghan Hound – Profile – Health – Tazi – Baluchi Hound – Info you can use
The Elegant Afghan Hound
The ‘Tazi’ or ‘Baluchi Hound’
Information about the
Afghan Hound
“Tazi” “Baluchi Hound”
Weight: Male 50 — 60 lbs
Weight: Female 45 —50 lbs
Height:Male 25” — 27”
Height Female 23” — 25”
AKC Rank 2008 #91
Life Span: 12—14 yrs
Group: Hound
Origin: Afghanistan
- Breeders And Rescue Groups
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Dog Breed Info – The Afghan Hound
A content Baluchi Hound resting in a field
Breed Overview
Origin: Ancient times. Original function:Coursing hare, gazelle, Today: Lire coursing. Colors: Any color except spotted.
This is an ancient breed that comes from a group of Middle Eastern Sighthounds. Nomadic tribes used the Afghan Hound as a coursing hound, capable of providing hare and gazelle meat for their meals. The dogs sometimes hunted with the help of falcons which were trained to sweep down sat the quarry. Generations of hunting in harsh mountainous terrain of Afghanistan produced a fast, strong dog but still had the ability to leap great distances and was very agile.. It had a long double coat that protected it from the cold, harsh mountain climates. These dogs were isolated for centuries, as no one was allowed in or our of the area for some 4000 years where they were hidden in the impenetrable Afghan Mountains.. The first Hounds came to England and America in the 1800’s and the AKC registered the breed in 1926. It’s still a popular show dog around the world. Otherwise, the dog’s main appeal is to the affluent and glamor population.
Yes, trainable but the breed is sensitive and needs a firm, positive trainer. This breed is “made” for clicker training with positive reinforcement and will respond well to the method. Pick up a clicker at your pet store, read up on the technique and have a go. Dogs love this system.
Crate Training
Want to crate train your Afghan Hound puppy? It’s easy and if you’re interested, take a look and you’ll see what to do. Crate training your puppy will save many headaches and problems.
Potty Training
The Afghan Hound puppy can be difficult to house train, potty train, toilet train, housebreak or whatever you want to call it. If you have a puppy, decide if you want to crate or paper potty train it. For the best results, we have a page at Crate vs Paper Potty Training which will help you decide and from there you can get all the information you need to get the job done. Always praise the pup profusely when she goes potty in the RIGHT PLACE so she knows she has done a good thing. Either method will work for this breed.
If you have an older dog, take the dog outside every two hours until she gets the idea which door leads to her potty area. Older dogs catch on to the potty or housebreaking pretty fast once they are shown what to do. Top
Just the way the Afghan Hound stands and walks defines elegance. This is one proud dog! They are not at all aggressive, but rather they are sensitive, pleasant, basically quiet, very independent, sometimes aloof and generally affectionate. They DO need plenty of exercise though. Lacking the exercise, the Afghan is NONE of the above! This breed is a hunter at heart and can “run all day.” It was bred to chase game over rugged terrain while retaining it’s regal image. The dog’s biggest down-side is a refusal to “come” when called. That command just escapes the dog.
Due to the independent nature of the Afghan, early socialization and training are needed starting at around 4 to 5 weeks by the breeder. If getting a puppy, make sure the breeder has gotten the puppy off to a good start and then you continue the program. Because the dog is sensitive, the training must be kind and gentle but firm. Fido must realize she is NOT the pack leader and YOU are giving the orders, but in a polite way. These are wonderful companion dogs for a family and do well with older children as long as the kids don’t expect too much in the way of play from the dog. This dog wants to RUN, and RUN and RUN some more so if the kids want to run, they’ve got a friend. The Afghan doesn’t like to be left alone for too long. They don’t bark much.
If you happen to get an Afghan Hound with a separation anxiety problem, that can be dealt with by investing a few hours of work on your part and some “tough love.”
Friendly Toward Other Dogs
Pretty good with other dogs. Not territorial or aggressive.
Friendly Toward Other Pets
Does fairly well with other dogs but cats and rodent-looking animals could be a problem as this dog would give chase. If raised with a cat, that should be okay..
Friendly Toward Strangers
Reserved and sometimes timid around strangers. Takes time to warm up to them. Makes an “unfriendly” appearance, though not aggressive. More “aloof.”
Somewhat playful. Has a “happy, clownish side.” Rate this about 5 bars out of 10.
Not known as the most affectionate dog. They do warm up to their family and they do play as bit, but this is certainly no loving lapdog.
Maybe. Good with OLDER, respectful children but probably not playful or interactive enough to holds their interest.
Definitely NOT for younger, noisy, rambunctious kids. No tolerance for that.
Good with Seniors over 65?
No Needs too much exercise, Needs too much running and space. Not affectionate enough.
Living environment
House with medium to large, fenced backyard, farm, ranch okay. Needs a safe space to run in.
Can not tolerate a hot, or humid climate. Must be indoors.
Needs a SOFT BED. Can not sleep on bare floors. Must be an indoor house pet with outdoor access. Top
Energy level
Moderately high. The Afghan Hound is a great jogging partner. The Afghan needs to RUN — a lot!
Can do with 1 or 2 long walks plus the chance to run full speed in an enclosed area for a short while.
Fairly good watchdog.
No. Definitely not a guard dog. Just too friendly and timid.
Yes, the Afghan sheds.
Requires daily combing or brushing to stray free of mats and tangles, as well as to remove dead hair. When not shedding, you might get by with brushing every 3 or 4 days. Top
At the far left – Comprehensive Owners Guide, hardcover. Very limited quantity available.
In the event you decide to go looking for Afghan Hound puppies, be SURE to find reputable breeders that really know what they are doing. Be sure the puppy has been VERY well socialized and started in obedience training. Here is a site with one of the better BREEDER selections:
Afghan Hound Breeders You should find something at this site.
Afghan Hound Rescue
In the event you are seriously considering the adoption of an older dog and are looking for an Afghan Hound Rescue group or groups in your state, here are several links that might help:
Petfinder – Afghan Hound Rescue – (Nationwide) NOTE – At the time of this writing, Petfinder is listing only 26 Afghan’s available for adoption in the entire country. That figure is subject to change, but it is an indicator. If you do find one to adopt, try to locate any dog health records and save for possible future reference.
Adopt A Pet This is an interesting site but you will likely need to go online and search for Afghan Hound Rescue groups, foster homes, kennels and breeders before you find what you want. This dog may be plentiful in some countries, but not the USA.
This is basically a healthy breed. Don’t let the list below scare you! Your own dog will probably never have ANY of these problems. These are dog illness and medical problems this breed is prone to that have been listed by various veterinarians at different times over the past decade or so and some pertain to puppies and very young dogs that a breeder would deal with.
The information contained herein has been gathered from numerous books by veterinarians and is intended as general information only. Every dog and situation is different. You must see your vet. Our information is for general interest only and not intended to replace the advice provided by your own veterinarian.
Other health problems could occur with your Afghan Hound. If you notice any problems with your dog, take it to the vet immediately. This website is for general information only and is not intended to, in any way, be a medical guide.
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