Training A Dog To “Leave It”
Training Your Dog To
“Leave-It” Alone
Training the command “Leave it” is useful when your dog is snooping around in a trash can, about to chase a squirrel, is about to pick up something in his mouth he shouldn’t or is barking at a group of people and you want the dog to “leave it alone.”
Dogs are naturally curious creatures and love to stick their noses into every bush and tin can along the road. They can come across everything from bird nests to cakes of rat poison and pieces of old Frisbees, none of which they need in their mouths.
The command “leave it” is different from “drop it.” With “leave it,” the dog has not yet picked anything up and you essentially want him to “forget about it.” Training a dog to “leave it” will solve the problem and isn’t that hard to do.
Teaching “Leave It”
There are several ways of teaching leave it. You can use food or a favorite toy. You must use treats and if you have one, a clicker is handy for reinforcement.
With your dog on leash, toss a small bit of her favorite food/treat on the floor in front of her.
Next, try this.
Repeat either of the above everyday for a week and your dog should start to react to the new command. It’s an important one, so be sure she learns it. Her nose could be headed for a bear trap someday and training her to “leave it” will save the day.
While out walking your dog, if you see her heading for a clump of bushes or stagnant pond water or whatever, tell her LEAVE IT! And tug quickly on the leash. Practice this regularly so she learns to associate the command word with the action.
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