Puppy Training – Puppy Priorities
Puppy Training
Training a black Labrador puppy
Puppy training is vital from the first day your little girl comes home. It’s up to you to train the puppy and shape her future.
The things your puppy needs to learn IMMEDIATELY are listed below. All are critical, including the chew-toy training, as that item will replace boredom, loneliness, chewing personal belongings, barking, and the need for daytime entertainment while you are gone to the store or at work.
It is also valuable to get your puppy on a schedule. Dogs of all ages thrive on schedules. Sit down and work out a puppy schedule so you and your puppy know when things are supposed to happen.
A Yorkshire Terrier puppy wondering what it’s all about!
Puppy training and socializing are critical beginning almost at birth. By the time a pup is 8 weeks old and ready to find a new home, s/he should already be well on the way to being the “whatever” she’s going to be as an adult. Training your puppy is time-sensitive and on your shoulders.
As the new owner, you have a narrow window of time for training your puppy; about 4 weeks, for the initial work, or until it’s 12 weeks old, to shape it into a real sweet little creature. Puppy training is something you do have to learn a little about. Above all, you need to be kind and fair to the puppy. After all, the pup has only been alive a few weeks!
Any mishaps at this age can mark your puppy for life, or at least be very difficult to retrain him out of later.
Being accidentally struck on the head or dropped could put a long-term scare into the pup. You have to be careful at every turn. A puppy is not that different than a human baby in those respects.
Make sure you understand about training a puppy and the essentials of puppy potty training and CHEW-TOY TRAINING before you pick out a puppy.